The 13th Zodiac Sign

Social media was abuzz with news that NASA has discovered a 13th Constellation.For space researchers and astronomers,this might be a very good news and cause for further research work.I bet had it not been real,I would have loved to write a science fiction with a catchy title -'The 13th Planet'. How does it sound? The title seems worthy of a Hollywood sci-fi thriller.

But what does it mean for laymen like us.There was an amusing piece of information which stated that zodiac signs will change owing to this discovery.Ugh?! .If you believe in astrology this is news for you.Else,who cares? .The 13th constellation discovery is not going to give me a pay hike or promotion.Nor is it going to repair the potholes on the road to my home.Also,13 being considered by many as unlucky number,wonder whether the person being assigned the last planet in astrology will be happy about it?.

I do believe in astrology.But sometimes have seen very strange predictions and stranger results.
I am an Aquarius and have seen many times that whatever good things have been written in the predictions seem to come true for my other Aquarian friends but not for me.But the bad predictions..sigh..they always seem to come true for me.I always end up wondering how this is possible.

To give you an example,one prediction suggested that Aquarius will move to a bigger house this month.It did happen.For an Aquarian friend of mine.As for me,I did not move an inch from my present position.

Then came another prediction which stated that Aquarius will have to mind their words this week. I got into an unplanned,unnecessary argument even though I tried my best to avoid it.The Aquarius friend who moved houses was enjoying a peaceful week,both personally and professionally.

Then there are the Daily predictions,Weekly predictions,Monthly Predictions and Yearly Predictions.Sometimes I find that these are contradicting each other.For example,say,my Daily Prediction may state something like - 'Go out and meet people today.You are rocking'. Then my Weekly prediction may state something like - 'Mind your words this week.Don't talk much'. Well,I wonder how can I mingle with people without talking to them.Since the day is within the week,I assume that the weekly predictions will apply to that day also.But that day's prediction has a contradictory tone.

So now coming to the question of having a 13th planet in astrology.Will there be a realignment that will correct all these contradictions in astrology and make it more meaningful.That is one question for astrologers to answer.Till then, let the 13th planet be safe in the skies and not get entangled in astrological contradictions.

What has your experience been with astrology? Do you believe in it? Do share your thoughts.
